How to choose a good wall mounted furnace wiring harness

2023-11-17 105

Choosing a good wall mounted furnace wiring harness requires considering the following aspects:

Wire raw materials: Select wires with good flame retardancy, such as copper core PVC wires, copper core wires, etc.

Wire cross-sectional area: Select an appropriate wire cross-sectional area based on the power of the wall mounted furnace to ensure the stability and protection of power transmission. Generally speaking, wall mounted furnaces with a power of less than 2 kilowatts can choose 1.5 square millimeters of wires, wall mounted furnaces with a power of between 2 kilowatts and 3 kilowatts can choose 2.5 square millimeters of wires, and wall mounted furnaces with a power of over 3 kilowatts can choose 4 square millimeters of wires.

Wire length: Determine the length of the wire based on the location of the wall mounted furnace device to ensure the stability of power transmission. If the wall mounted furnace is far from the power source, it is necessary to choose a wire with a larger cross-sectional area.


Device method: Select a legitimate device method, follow the manufacturer's device requirements, and cannot replace or cut wires at will. During the installation process, the wires should be fixed to the wall to prevent damage or excessive bending of the wires.

Price: When considering performance and protection, also consider the price factor. Choosing a cost-effective wire brand and type can reduce purchasing costs and ensure the protection and stability of household electricity.

In summary, selecting a good wall mounted furnace wiring harness requires considering multiple factors such as wire raw materials, cross-sectional area, length, installation method, protection, and price. During the purchase and use process, it is necessary to follow the protective operating procedures and relevant standards and specifications to ensure the protection and stability of household electricity.

Article source: Zhongshan wall hanging furnace wire harness manufacturer